by Smarteez


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The Citizen Lab is one of our key events and is meant to become an annual meeting with a strong impact. It will host guest lecturers of international renown and will be organized around 3 highlights:1. Talks2. Interactive workshops3. Restitution and Celebration
The event will also gather international institutions, NGOs, press, bloggers, youtubers, political leaders, local and regional representatives and economic, social and cultural actors.
It will be broadcasted through an interactive web platform and on social networks.
Identified subjects :
1. Which model of democracy and leadership for Africa / What role for civil society regarding citizenship ?2. What education model for an emerging country with a deficient education system: case study of successful reforms3. What sustainable growth and new economic model for an emerging country (Subject to refine)4. What model of society when human rights and precepts of Islam coexist in the constitution: Case of Tunisian constitution.